Free Finite Element Analysis Software

Free/Open Source

NameDescriptionLicenseOperating System
Agros2DMultiplatform application for the solution of physical problems based on the Hermes library, developed by the group at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, written in C++GPLLinux, Windows, Mac OS X
CalculiXIt is an Open Source FEA project. The solver uses a partially compatible ABAQUS file format. The pre/post-processor generates input data for many FEA and CFD applicationsGNU GPLGNU/Linux, Windows
Code Asteris an Open Source software package for Civil and Structural Engineering finite element analysis and numeric simulation in structural mechanics which is written in Python and FortranGNU GPLGNU/Linux, FreeBSD
deal.IIComprehensive set of tools for finite element codes, scaling from laptops to clusters with 10,000+ cores. Written in C++.QPL up to release 7.2, LGPL after thatGNU/Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows
DUNEDistributed and Unified Numerics Environment, written in C++GPL Version 2 with Run-Time ExceptionGNU/Linux, Unix, Mac OS X
ElmerOpen source multiphysical simulation software developed by Finnish Ministry of Education's CSC, written primarily in Fortran (written in Fortran90, C and C++)GPLGNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
FEBioFinite Elements for BiomechanicsCustomGNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
FEniCS ProjectSoftware package developed by American and European researchers with the goal to enable automated solution of differential equationsLGPLLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows
FiPyFinite element package written in PythonCustomLinux, Unix, Windows
FreeFem++Software written in C++ for rapid testing and finite element simulations. The problem is defined in terms of its variational formulationGPLGNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris
GetFem++GetFEM++ is basically a generic C++ finite element library which offers a wide range of finite element methods and elementary matrix computations for the approximation of linear or non-linear problems.LGPLGNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris
Hermes ProjectModular C/C++ library for rapid development of space- and space-time adaptive hp-FEM solversLGPLLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows
ImpactExplicit Dynamic Finite Element Program Suite, for dynamic events like crashes, written in JavaGPL Version 2Linux, Windows
IMTEK Mathematica SupplementThe purpose of the IMS is threefold: provide additional IMTEK-developed Mathematica packages, provide IMTEK-Simulation lecture materials, provide interfaces to external programs and file formatsGPLLinux, Windows
OOFEMObject Oriented Finite EleMent solver, written in C++GPL Version 2Unix, Windows
OpenFOAM (Field Operation And Manipulation)Originally for CFD only, but now includes finite element analysis through tetrahedral decomposition of arbitrary gridsGPLUnix, Linux
OpenSeesis an Open System for Earthquake Engineering SimulationNon CommercialWindows
SfePyFinite element package written in Python and CBSDLinux, Unix, Windows
Z88Finite element package written entirely in ANSI-CGPLLinux, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X

It allows you to easily implement your own physics modules using the provided FreeFEM language. FreeFEM offers a large list of finite elements, like the Lagrange, Taylor-Hood, etc., usable in the continuous and discontinuous Galerkin method framework. Pre-built physics. Incompressible Navier-Stokes (using the P1-P2 Taylor Hood element). Their 3D CAD and Finite Element Analysis software is a tough competitor for the big names. Creo offers scalable 3D CAD product development packages and tools. Those tools feature modelling and design, simulation and analysis, augmented reality and additive manufacturing. Finite element analysis (FEA) gives an approximation to the solution to these problems by numerical approach. By this approach, the shape of the object of study is broken down into a great number of small simple elements, creating a net of elements called mesh. Mecway is a comprehensive user friendly finite element analysis package for Windows It is inexpensive and has an intuitive graphical interface for easy mesh creation and display of solutions.

ADONIS is Free Finite Element Software for Geo-Engineers. The goal of the ADONIS development is to improve the modeling and computational simulation in geotechnical engineering. ADONIS is an easy-to-use yet powerful geotechnical-engineering tool for the linear and nonlinear analysis of geotechnical problems. It features a full graphical user interface (GUI) for pre-processing or post-processing and uses fully automatic mesh generator to create complex finite element meshes. The graphical interface enables a quick generation of complex models, and the enhanced output facilities provide a detailed presentation of computational results. The main features of ADONIS program are:

· Graphical User Interface in ADONIS

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The ADONIS user interface provides a complete interactive modeling environment, project management facilities, a built-in library of materials, easy specification of boundary conditions and structural elements, extensive plotting capabilities and run-time monitoring of results.

· Model Construction in ADONIS

The first step in creating an ADONIS model is to create the boundaries defining the model. The geometric primitives such as line, circle, interface and etc. are provided to help users to create the model. Boundaries, bolts and polyline or polygon drawing tools can be imported into ADONIS from a DXF file (AutoCAD Drawing Exchange File), using the Import DXF option in the Import sub-menu of the File menu.

· Discretize and Mesh

The finite element mesh can be created. ADONIS incorporates an open-source state-of-the-art two-dimensional automatic finite element mesh generator (i.e. triangle), which can generate triangular finite element meshes. The advanced meshing algorithm used in ADONIS simplifies the task of mesh generation for the user - a high quality mesh can be generated with just one mouse click.

· Constitutive Material Models

The constitutive models provided in ADONIS are arranged into elastic and plastic model groups. Input parameters to all of these built-in models can be entered directly as commands, interactively using the GUI or controlled via JavaScript to modify the behavior of the models. Built-in material properties database includes 6 standard models such as IsoElastic, Mohr-Coulomb, Strain-Hardening/Softening, Modified Cam-Clay, Hoek-Brown, Modified Hoek-Brown.


· User-Defined Constitutive Models (UDCM)

From Version 2.5.5 forward of ADONIS, users can define their own constitutive model and integrate the model into the program by using a dynamic-linking library (dll). The dll needs to be placed in the installation folder of the program. The program will then detect and load the dll. One or more materials can be included in the dll.

· Interface Constitutive Models

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There are currently two standard joint behavior models available for ADONIS:

o Glued Interfaces: If interfaces are declared glued, no slip or opening is allowed, but elastic displacement still occurs, according to the given stiffnesses.

o Coulomb Shear-Strength: The Coulomb shear-strength criterion limits the shear force by the relation: Fsmax = cL + tanφ Fn where c = cohesion (in stress units) along the interface, L = effective contact length, and φ = friction angle of interface surfaces. If the criterion is satisfied (if |Fs| ≥ Fsmax), then Fs = Fsmax, with the sign of shear preserved.

· Solutions in ADONIS

ADONIS features a number of solve tool that enables the automatic detection of the steady-state solution for mechanical problems. Modeling continues to be performed until a limiting condition is met, including the following.

o Step: Executes model with specified number of timesteps.

o Solve: The ratio of the maximum unbalanced force to the total applied forces in the model is small.

o Solve Elastic: Sets element constitutive models to infinite strength for model equilibrium. This prevents artificial plastic deformations due to numerical shock.

o Solve FOS:ADONIS provides an automatic factor-of-safety solution using the Strength Reduction Method (SRM) that can be used for stability analyzes of models.

o Solve Relax: Force on the boundary of excavation will be reduced to a prescribed level, to simulate 3D effect of a tunnel advance. This reduction of the force will happen gradually during predefined number of steps to avoid a large tensile stress in the element which might cause by the excavation.

Free Finite Element Analysis Software

· Factor of Safety Analysis in ADONIS

The Shear Strength Reduction module in ADONIS allows you to automatically perform a finite element slope stability analysis, and compute a critical strength reduction factor for the model. The critical strength reduction factor is equivalent to the 'safety factor' of the slope.

· Structural Elements in ADONIS

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Structural elements for ground support include: beams, cables, tiebacks and strips.

· Scripting in ADONIS

A scripting language embedded within ADONIS that enables the user to define new variables and functions. These functions may be used to extend ADONIS’s capabilities or add user defined features (e.g., servo-control boundaries may be applied to a numerical test, unusual property distributions specified, and parameter studies automated).

· Plotting Results in ADONIS

The ADONIS user interface provides a complete interactive modeling environment, project management facilities, a built-in library of materials, easy specification of boundary conditions and structural elements, extensive plotting capabilities, and run-time monitoring of results.

Free Finite Element Analysis Software Windows

· Utilities in ADONIS

o Tables: Tables are convenient data structures consisting of a number of x,y pairs. Tables may be plotted, imported and exported as ASCII data files. Tables can be used in ADONIS to vary friction, cohesion, dilation, tensile strength with accumulated plastic strain for the strain-softening model.

Free Finite Element Analysis Software Download

o Histories: Histories are recordings of displacements, strains and stresses at a user-defined location (some node, element). By default, histories are recorded every 10 calculation cycles, but this can be selected by the user. A time history of as many as 500 variables can be made in one run. Histories may be plotted (versus time, steps or another history), converted to Tables and exported as an ASCII data file.